So, Friday marked the beginning of my 2006 Comic Con trip, and it was
awesome. Claire rode down to San Diego with me and my dad, and we spent the day together. After parking the car and eating breakfast, we kicked off the con by going to the panel for
Hellboy Animated, which looks absolutely amazing. I can't wait for it to come out. After that, we wandered around the floor and met up with my good friend Byron. We went to the beginning of the 20th Century Fox panel, but we had to cut out early to head over to
Battlestar Galactica! What a great panel. Every one of the cast members and creators was so entertaining, especially considering what a bleak show
Galactica is. After that we just grabbed lunch and wandered around some more for the rest of our day at the convention center. I guess before I move on to Friday's other events, I'll show some photos from the day!

Here is what I wore on Friday. It's the "Baron von Fogel" out fit again, but I'd like to point out a couple of changes since I last wore it! I made a tie pin out of a gear! And the buttons now look like little clocks! Yay!
People kept coming up to me and asking me what I was from. They seemed a little confused when I told them it was an original costume design, but I guess it's nice to know that people liked it enough to ask.

This is, without a doubt, one of the sexiest statues I have ever seen. I guess I'll have to dress Kate up as Leia sometime...

Weta Collectibles is making ray guns! This is one of three that they had on display. Claire and I were salivating just standing there looking at the pretty ray guns. Maybe some day I'll be able to afford one.
Later in the evening, we attended a =Phenomenauts= concert at the House of Blues! If you don't know who they are, go to and please check them out. You will be amazed. Anyway, it was a great show. The crowd was a bit intense and we got pushed around even more than usual, but it was a lot of fun. I don't think I've been covered in so much sweat in my life... and I'm not sure it was even my own. The Aquabats! were great too, of course.
=The Phenomenauts= also attended the Con, at which they decided to give out convention-exclusive pins! It was much to my surprise, then, that the pins featured the character designs that I had drawn for the cartoon show pitch! Each one of the guys had pins that featured the cartoon version of himself, and you had to find each guy in order to get that particular pin! It was just freaky though to be at the show and see everyone walking around with my art pinned to their clothes.
I suppose that's about all I've got to share from the first day. Stay tuned for more Con reports in the coming days...