Wow, it's been quite some time now, hasn't it? Sorry to everyone for the long gap in my posts. I really have no excuse, but now I once again hope to get on top of posting at least somewhat regularly. I think the problem is that I hate posting incomplete work, and it often takes me quite a while to complete anything. Anywho, on to the matter at hand: fetuses.
Another view of the fetuses:

Yes, that's right. I've spent the past few weeks making a large group of six-legged mutant mammal fetuses in jars. I had created these curiosities with hopes to sell them at the Alumni and Student Art Sale here at the Rhode Island School of Design, last weekend. As the case may be, I produced sixteen of the little buggers but sold only one. Thank you Rob Hummel.
A less interesting but clearer-looking photograph of one specimen:
So, now I find myself with a handful of mutated fetuses in jars. If you are interested in purchasing one of said fetuses, please do not hesitate to contact me. They will cost $30 USD each, although if I get a lot of responses, I might be able to lower the price.
I can be contacted at
fogel.andrew@gmail.com for anybody interested in owning one of these incredible oddities, if you are interested in commissioning a different sort of creature, or if you have questions about anything at all. They are a wonderful desktop conversation piece, perfect for any home, and they make an excellent gift!
Fetus, sans jar to show detail: